Around 350 New Zealanders are diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer each year. Though treatment can help control the disease ‘Cancer is Clever’ and the harsh reality is that there is certain certainty of the end.


Working collaboratively, Claire, her husband artist John Reynolds and close friends Chris and Helen Cherry from WORKSHOP, have created a limited-edition fundraising t-shirt. Based on two artworks by John Reynolds “Fuck Cancer” is an honest response to this situation, and the phrase “Don’t Delay Fun” takes on new meaning.


Photos of Claire, John and their friends and whānau by Veronica Crockford-Pound and Joe Griffen.


This collaboration intends to not only donate all proceeds directly to the Sweet Louise Foundation but to increase awareness of those suffering from terminal illnesses such as metastatic breast cancer.


Sweet Louise is a New Zealand-based non-profit foundation that provides support for those with metastatic breast cancer. ‘Hope, Companionship, and Support’ is the main mission of Sweet Louise, the more awareness the more funding.  From household help to one-on-one support Sweet Louise provide the care and help that those affected need.


We hope these t-shirts grab the attention of your friends, family, and the community at large to generate a conversation to help towards spreading awareness of those affected by metastatic breast cancer.


To learn more about the project, buy t-shirts and to donate to Sweet Louise, click here.

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